Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cousin time

I'm so happy we have an unofficial "family photographer". I never take my camera anywhere anymore because I know Dave will have his on his hip the entire time! So, thanks Dave for all of the following pictures.

For Valentines Day (I know, a little late) we ended up going out to dinner with the entire MacKay clan, except for one of Mike's sisters and her husband. I know, very romantic right? Oliver stayed at my parents house and helped shovel the snow. Dave of course took this photo of him.

My dad likes to have sleepovers with the grandkids. It usually only consists of my sisters three oldest boys, but the little ones got in on the action this night. Can you tell they're a little bit frightened by what they're watching? The older boys have graduated from cartoons to the Star Wars triology. Oliver still talks about how he saw a scary movie with Maya and Dominic.

My dad is such a good sport to watch everything with them. He even sleeps downstairs with them!