Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Can I blame this on being pregnant?

A few years ago Mike locked the keys in the car with the car does this happen you say? Thats a good question, all I know is that we were lucky the Jazz game was sold out that night and were only gone for about 20 minutes. Mike's brother brought us the spare keys, since it was his car after all. I have been giving Mike a hard time for that ever since.

Well, I guess you could say that karma eventually catches up. The other day, when the high was about 15 degrees outside I locked the keys in the car with Oliver buckled in his car seat...I know!! Again, how does this happen? Well, I will tell you. Have you ever been carrying a two year old along with your purse and maybe a bag of shopping? It's pretty hard to put that toddler in his car seat holding all that stuff, right? I have gotten into the habit of throwing everything (but Oliver, of course) into the front seat while I get him in and buckled. That day I accidentally pushed the lock button on my keys while I was getting Oliver into the car, completely ignoring the fact that the horn was going off, meaning the doors were locked. I hurried and threw everything in the front seat right then so I could finish getting him in, keys included. I closed his door then went to open the passenger door to get my keys, oh know! Instant panic right? I could see it now, a mug of my distressed face on the news telling of how I locked my toddler and keys in the car in freezing weather, and now he was in hospital with hypothermia. Followed by an obvious warning to parents to never do this...duh! Okay, so luckily it ended way better than that. I hurried back into the UPS where I just was and told them of what I had done (pretty embarrassing). Another customer said he had the number to the Orem police on his cell phone. I know, a little weird he had the police on speed dial, but thats besides the point. I called and about the longest 15-20 minutes later they were there and opened the door with no problem. Oliver was perfectly fine, it was actually me that was freezing because I was standing outside that entire time.

Anyhow, lesson learned. 1-Never make fun of someone for making a mistake, especially your husband. (Mike was very understanding when I told him, which almost made me feel like more of a jerk). 2-The police can fix some idiotic mistakes. 3-Always keep your keys on you!

This is proof that Oliver is not traumatized by the whole experience.


Danalin said...

Oh man, sista! I agree that experiences like that are WAY more traumatizing for the parent than the kid. I've heard three stories like this from close friends and I know that I could have easily done that a million times. So far, so good. But you never know. And, ummmm...did I know you were pregnant? I think I did? Anyway, I am excited for you!!! Number two is more fun in a lot of ways because you don't get worried about the little things...but I always say that I became a real mom when I had two. Having one kid is like playing house. SO easy! But we like the ones we have so much that I'm already excited for the next (nope, not quite yet).

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