Saturday, July 11, 2009

Phoebe pics

2 Weeks
4 Weeks

6 weeks


Draper's said...

Phoebe is super cute!! She looks a ton like your husband. You look great!!!

Gina said...

Oh congrats! She is so precious. Don't you just love having a boy and a girl??

Danalin said...

Beautiful...but what do you expect? Look at that momma! I love you, lady, and wish we lived closer.

Ricky Bangerter said...

Sara!! She is so adorable! I am so excited for you and hope that all is going great! Sorry it took so long to comment, I haven't had a whole lot of time! Four kids is a little much sometimes!!

Allie said...

How stankin' cute! I can't wait to hold her. And you look fantastic!