Friday, February 22, 2008

24 or The West Wing

We finally watched the sixth season of 24 and I'm glad there aren't anymore to catch up on! We have been addicted to this series ever since we were introduced to it in England. We would borrow our friends box sets and watch an entire season in a single weekend, sad but true. However, this last season was probably my least favorite, especially the ending. Come on, there is suppose to be some sort of cliffhanger at the end, not Jack starring out over the ocean - lame-o!

As much as we liked 24, our favorite TV drama series definitely has to be The West Wing. Again, some friends in England owned all seven seasons and we wasted a lot more time than I would like to admit. I felt like I learned a little bit more about politics, even though everything was ficitional. The series was brilliantly written and the characters were so addicting as well.

If Martin Sheen entered the presidential race today I would vote for him hands down and try to talk everyone I knew into voting for him also. However, if Dennis Haysbert (President David Palmer, 24) entered the race also, it would be a seriously tough decision. But hey, at least the decision would be tough because they were both great candidates...I wonder what that would be like.


Jana said...

Brad and I did the same thing with "Lost"...whole entire days devoted to the island.

Also, if you love "Guitar Hero" then you will also loooove "Rock Band".

Welcome back to blog world.

Margaret said...

One summer my dad and I stayed up until 3 am for a week watching the first season of 24.
But I haven't watched it since then and I've never seen The West Wing. But what would it be like voting between two deserving presidential candidates? Unheard of.

I, like Jana, watch LOST. No one on that show would be a good president.

Bangerter family said...

Sara, we are addicted to 24. I agree though last season was my least favorite. Although I am still sad that it never was on this year. We are also addicted to prison break, have you seen that one?